White breasted nuthatch & a surprise

White Breasted Nuthatch
A White Breasted Nuthatch being photo bombed by a (male) Downy Woodpecker

i see you there mr. cardinal.. can’t hide now…

Can You Find Me?

Check Me Out!

Act all cool now…

Mr. Woodpecker & Mr. Blue Jay


snowy day for the birds…

well we had a little bit of snow.. (wished for more but that’s the way it goes in the south haha) but i was able to get some really awesome pictures of the birds hanging out in the trees and bushes in front of our apartment today… so sweet and adorable! ENJOY!

best pictures EVER!

So I’m really excited about this pictures that I captured this week…

  • the first one is the nuthatch.. he is such a sweet little bird.. he’s too adorable…
  • the second one is the red bellied woodpecker.. been waiting for this picture for like ever! he’s totally adorable!
  • and last is the chickadee.. this bird.. he pulls at my heart strings… he has this very distinctive call.. sounds like “Hey Sweetie!” .. totally adorable!

bluejays and such…

We’ve been bird watching & bird feeding at our apartment and we have all kinds of birds.. but this bluejay.. it’s probably my second favorite (with owls being 1st) so here is just a sample of the pictures i’ve gotten.. leave me feedback if you would like to see more pictures like this or anything… God Bless!